Pinnacles of Power By Michael Phillips

Jackson Maxwell, Christian magazine reporter, begins routine research into the expanding global ministry of renowned evangelist Jacob Michaels. But when his questions about the Evangelize the World (ETW) organization focus on sensitive issues—the use of donations, an enormous development project, and certain skeletons in the closet—he is led into a maze of deception and scandal.

Hamilton Jaeger, Jacob Michaels’ assistant, manipulates people, money, and information for his own ambitious ends. He will not sit idle while an inquisitive reporter threatens his vision of a media empire dedicated to evangelism and the unity of the Christian Body—all under his direction.

Jackson’s professional obligation to truth, his loyalty to victimized friends, and his conviction that God’s representatives are accountable call for decisive action: Jaeger’s scheme must be exposed. Jackson Maxwell pursues the truth… and the secrets he uncovers will change lives forever.

Jackson Maxwell, Christian magazine reporter, begins routine research into the expanding global ministry of renowned evangelist Jacob Michaels. But when his questions about the Evangelize the World (ETW) organization focus...

Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips is a prolific bestselling author, with sales of his fiction, nonfiction, and devotional writings exceeding seven million copies worldwide. A leading authority on the works and message of George MacDonald and their connections to C.S. Lewis, he and his wife Judy are former bookstore owners and split their time between George MacDonald’s Scotland and their home in California.

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Michael Phillips