Jealousy and Envy By Nancy Friday

Author of the iconic bestseller My Secret Garden, Nancy Friday turns her analytical skill on jealousy--a powerful emotion that can destroy lives and relationships. Here, Friday provides an unflinching account of jealousy's effect on relationships at every stage of life, from childhood to old age.


Nancy Friday

Nancy Friday is a New York Times bestselling author and journalist who established her early career writing for high-profile publications in England, France, and the US. Her first book, My Secret Garden, was an iconic bestseller, offering an honest and illuminating look at the landscape of female sexuality. It was published in 1973, and since then, Nancy Friday has continued to write on themes including female sexuality, mother-daughter relationships, beauty, fetishism, and romantic relationships. She has been featured as a guest on Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Politically Incorrect, and NPR's Talk of the Nation.

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Nancy Friday